samedi 25 octobre 2008

Gelsenkircher Barock

The Bums Polo Rotten Club is officialy going on tour as Pizzaman recieve a map on which figure all the cities we gotta entertain.
For now, the least I can say is that, before thinking about the delightfull and exotic destinations we're gonna fligh to, we gotta think about a huge amount of things that are not as glamorous.
Just like taking care of the Strasbourg one's decoration and stuff in order to make more unforgivable as it's gonna be the last before a pretty long while, I guess. And also because it's the first one, and every body wants to make a good first impression. Well, actually it's the 3rd BOUM, but the first of this special STRIIPE DA HOUSE tour.

Excuse my English please, it's late and I'm exhausted, I spent most of my nights talking to guys all around the world, waking up when I was begging to go to sleep, working when I was yearning for a lunch, about to go to unbelievable parties when I was about to go to work.
I can't deny, it's hard and stressfull, it's also very interesting to know how people in other countries and continents think, what they think about the current situation of the electro music network, what they wanna do, their hopes and dreams.
As you guessed, I'm not only talking about business with them, well I do most of the time, but I'm also getting myself aware of what's happening abroad, I also do recognize that most of them are becoming more like friends to me. I appreciate to work with people I know and like.
No mather if I have to shake them up when the situation doesn't fit me.

So, special dedicace to my boys and girls all around the country and the world.

Sam aka MAGNUM aka Samantha
from the Bums Polo Rotten Club

mardi 7 octobre 2008

excuse my french..

I just went to the idea that it's about to be the right moment to switch this blog into an English version, just in case we become international popstars in the following weeks. Just kidding.
But actually, I'm realizing that I should take the english special class in High Schol, instead of the History of Art one.
Never mind, for those who do not speak french, and believe me, that's a pitty, I'm gonna re-introduce ourselves...or not, too lazy for that.
Well, that's also kinda start of introducing. Now you guys know that I'm lazy.
I can also talk about music and fashion sometimes. When I feel like talking about things that everyone's talking about all blogs long. Today I feel more like insulting people, or watching crappy TV Shows on streaming, illegal of course, or doing my social networking homework, just like promoting our new party this month (October 3Oth for those who have been living in a cave since last year). I'm also responsing to silly messages from people who don't know that social networking websites are mostly created in order to make advertisment cheaper and easyer. That's to say they're almost made for us.
Who cares about releasing dozens of ugly pictures on 5 different websites, just in order to make sure that everyone in the highscool is aware that your life is sooooooo interesting and full of friends who love you sooo much. Ok, stop now, I'm getting "vicy".
I mean, since the beginning of the "myspace era" directly followed by the facebook one, the Flickr one, the Twitter one, and so on... since the beginning of this blessed era, there's no need to ire a bouncer for your parties anymore. You just make sure that children and pregnant women don't get the flyer. You can also make sure that only cute young boys and little big breathed asian girls get the information, that's to say you're preparing a 19th century deluxe four hundread and sixty square metres appartement orgy.
Just don't forget to save a couple of invites for me, I promiss I won't say anything to Pizzaman.
I'll come with the two young boys who play the twins in the new season of Desperate Housewives. Normaly, I don't date red haired boys but these two are so ... that I almost forget that they're suppose to be 16.
Anyway, I'll fuck both, if their dicks are at least 16 too.

Sam aka Magnum from the
Bums Polo Rotten Club.

lundi 6 octobre 2008

A million Dollar derrière !

Voila le pré-fly vidéo de LA BOUM 3.O BPRC, Striipe, Shoes Up, Nicky Digital.

Pour ce qui est de la musique de fond, je pense que vous ne serez pas surpris et en même temps, restons authentiques les gars. Ne nous dévoyons pas.

Le nombre de places est limité, comme d'habitude, il y aura plus de personnes devant la porte que dedans, mais le tout est de venir tôt, je pense que, pour la seule soirée valable de Strasbourg (et bientôt de Toulouse, de Bordeaux...) ce n'est pas trop vous demander que de venir un peu plus tôt qu'à l'accoutumée. En tout cas si c'est votre apéritif qui vous pose problème, dites vous que les consos ne seront pas chères (mais vraiment pas chères, genre 2 euros le super punch ou la bière) donc autant prendre l'apéro en dansant sur un set de KM3. Ou bien vous pouvez simplement regarder KM3, c'est déjà un spéctacle en lui même. Je voulais dire peep show mais j'ai dis spéctacle, hein, pas de vulgarité avec les honnêtes djs, peu importe le fait qu'ils soient sexy.
Pour la suite de la soirée, Calhoun aka Pizzaman du BPRC, et Knuckles.
Si vous voulez me voir, je serais le type gêné qui essayera de se cacher à chaque fois que Pizzaman s'approchera un petit peu trop du micro.

Come vous le savez, ce coup-ci c'est Striipe qui est sur le coup, une marque de jolies chaussures danoises, je ne me fais aucun souci sur le fait que vous en aurez tous et toutes aux pieds dès leur sortie en France en Février.
On fait aussi ça avec Nicky Digital, un site New Yorkais, tenu par un New Yorkais mignon comme il se doi(g)t, avec des grosses lunettes et tout. Vous pourez y voir vos faces ramolies et défraichies peu de temps après la soirée, et pour ce qui oserait comparer Nicky à Tillate, je dis:
- La porte est là bas.
Quand à Shoes Up, nos amis de toujours, je ne les présenterais plus, mon boulot n'étant pas de débiter des vérités générales. Comme disais une de mes profs de math d'il y a bien longtemps :
- Si vous n'apprenez pas vos leçons, je ne peux rien faire pour vous.

le 3O Octobre 2OO8
@La Péniche Prima, Quai Jacoutot (Orangerie, Tram E Parlement Européen)
23hOO - ...
6 euros

Sam aka Magnum aka Samantha